Epidemiology Research Unit (EPIUnit)

The Epidemiology Research Unit (EPIUnit), financed by the Fundação Portuguesa para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) (Refª UIDB/04750/2020 e UIDP/04750/2020), was born from the need to place research in Epidemiology on the path of outstanding science developed in Portuguese R&D units.

Approved by the FCT in 2015, EPIUnit is nurtured by a multidisciplinary team of researchers that covers population, clinical and translational aspects of Epidemiology, in a research environment with a strong metric and qualitative component.

In 2019, within the scope of the national R&D network, EPIUnit was evaluated by international panels with a maximum rating of “Excellent” and benefits from the guidance of a panel of internationally renowned scientific consultants.

Currently, over 150 scientists with complementary academic training are integrated researchers at EPIUnit, with around 90 PhDs. The team includes researchers in training for postgraduate masters and doctoral programs, since EPIUnit is one of the host institutions for the development of research by students of the following programs:

Master Degree in Public Health   |   Master Degree in Health Education   |   Doctoral Programme in Public Health   |   PhD in Global Public Health

The list of theses developed since 2018 and until the end of the last calendar year – by students supervised by EPIUnit integrated researchers in can be read here.

Since 2021, EPIUnit is part of the Associate Laboratory for Integrative and Translational Research in Population Health (ITR), having restructured its previous research which was based on seven main research groups and is now organized into four thematic lines, which group dozens of laboratories, each coordinated by a principal investigator.