Andreia Oliveira

Andreia Oliveira

Andreia Matos Oliveira graduated in Nutrition Sciences by the University of Porto in 2003 and completed a Ph.D degree in Public Health by the University of Porto Faculty of Medicine (SFRH/BD/31131/2006) in 2010, holding the European Ph.D title. She conducted post-doctoral research within the multicentre European HabEat project (FP7-KBBE-2009-3).

Currently, she is an Assistant Researcher having as host institution the University of Porto Institute of Public Health, and an Invited Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto and University Fernando Pessoa. She is a Doctorate Integrated Member of the Epidemiology Research Unit (EPI-Unit: UID-DTP/04750/2013) and the Principal Investigator of the Research Lab on ‘Eating Behaviours and Childhood Obesity’, under the umbrella of ITR – Laboratory for Integrative and Translational Research in Population Health.

Her research interests are focused on the early formation of appetite-related eating behaviours, how they are established and their long-term effects on metabolic health. She is starting to explore the contribution of appetite-related eating behaviours as drivers for excessive adiposity-gain across the life span, providing supporting evidence for possible gene-environment interactions which increase obesity risk.

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