Pedro Barbosa

Pedro Barbosa

Pedro Barbosa received his Master’s Degree in Psychology (specialization area in Psychology of Deviant Behavior and Justice) from the University of Porto’s Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences in 2021. During his curricular internship, he had the opportunity to begin his experience in the field of scientific research by joining the Centre for the Science of Deviant Behaviour (CCCD) and, later, the Scientific Research Unit of ARS-Norte. The accumulation of experience gave rise to a desire to continue deepening his intellectual and experiential heritage in his areas of interest (work with populations in situations of vulnerability; public policies framed in harm reduction; use of psychoactive substances; among others). He is currently focusing his efforts on the intersection of social innovation and psychology, creating research-action projects to promote mental health and individual and community well-being.

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Book Chapters

Notices/Letters to the Editor
