Vânia Magalhães

Vânia Magalhães

Vânia Magalhães is graduated in Nutrition Sciences (2013) and master in Consumer Sciences and Nutrition (2018). She is member of the Epidemiology Research Unit (EPIUnit) of the Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto. She is also member of the Lab “Nutrition and cardiometabolic health” of the Laboratory for Integrative and Translational Research in Population Health (ITR).
She was involved in the fieldwork coordination of the National Food, Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey (2015-2016). Later on, she worked in the fifth follow-up of the EPITeen cohort. And, after been working in the UPPer project – Consumption of ultra-processed foods, nutritional profile and obesity in Portugal, she started a Doctoral Program in Public Health in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto (2019). Her work, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), will explore the effect of xenobiotics from ultra-processed foods both on adiposity and cardiometabolic health.

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