SMART-HEALTH-4-ALL: Smart medical technologies for better health and care

Luís Ruano

Principal Investigator

Integrated Member (PhD)

Type of project:




Proposing institution:

Siemens Healthcare, Unipessoal , LDA

Participating institutions:

ISPUP - Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto; APINEQ - Aplicações industriais e equipamentos, LDA; Associação Fraunhofer Portugal Research; Capgemini Portugal, SA; CCAB - Centro clínico académico; CENTITVC - centro de nanotecnologia e materiais técnicos, funcionais e inteligentes; CITEVE - Centro tecnológico das indústrias têxteis e do vestuário de Portugal; Health Cluster Portugal - Associação do Pólo de Competitividade da saúde; HLTSYS - Healthysystems, LDA; INEGI - Instituto de Ciência e Inovação em Engenharia Mecânica e Engenharia Industrial; INESC TEC - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência; Instituto Pedro Nunes-Associação para a inovação e desenvolvimento em ciência e tecnologia; ISEP- Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto; Neuroinova, LDA; NEUTROPLAST - indústria de embalagens plásticas, SA; PLUX - Wireless Biossigns, SA; ROPAR - Fabrico de calçado ortopédico, SA; Sensing future technologies, LDA; Surforma, SA; Têxteis Penedo, SA; Universidade de Aveiro; Universidade do Porto;

Sources of financing:

COMPETE (Prog. Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização), FEDER (Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional) e em conformidade com o RECI

Approval date:


Start date:


Total budget:


Research line:

L4 - Patient and Population Outcomes Research

Research lab:

Cognitive Impairment in Diseases Involving the Nervous System


The SMART-HEALTH-4-ALL project aims to boost, in Portugal, an ecosystem dedicated to research and development (including clinical and translational research), production, commercialization and dissemination of Smart Health medical technologies (including medical devices and health), based on information, communication and electronic technologies (TICE), and future and emerging technologies (FET).

The Smart Health concept, which encompasses several types of technologies, intelligent and/or connected in a network, and aimed at improving the provision of health care and services, is already recognized today as one of the most valid and viable responses to the global challenge of growth in health expenditure, largely associated with population aging and an increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases.

In this context, Smart Health solutions have enormous potential in the global market, driven by continuous developments in, for example, TICE, FET and broadband data connectivity, as well as, at European level, through the Single Market. Digital.

The SMART-HEALTH-4-ALL project crosses different areas of knowledge, such as medical and health sciences and engineering, as well as crosses high-tech sectors (e.g., TICE, nanotechnologies) with other so-called traditional ones (textiles, footwear, plastics). and furniture), both productive and service.

The project ranges from the production of knowledge to the widespread dissemination of the solutions developed, applicable both in the context of formal provision of health care and in the day-to-day of a vast universe of users/patients, with a special focus on areas socially and economically impacting in the context of the global health market.

From a medical/clinical point of view, the focus is on the prevention, diagnosis, monitoring and treatment/rehabilitation of diseases and other medical conditions, especially of a chronic nature and/or linked to aging – including neurological, brain-cardiovascular, cardiorespiratory, osteoarticular diseases. and diabetes.

SMART-HEALTH-4-ALL is structured in: 4 PPS for research and development (R&D) of products and associated services, covering different areas of medical technologies; 1 “integrator” PPS of the other R&D PPS, dedicated both to the definition and implementation of services for the “tailor-made” testing and validation of eHealth and Ambient Assisted Living products/services, with cohorts of end-users and in a real environment, or to other critical issues related to market access – business models, procurement and assessment of health technologies, and user literacy; and 1 Project Management and Results Dissemination PPS.

⮚ PPS 1 | SMART-HEALTH-4-ALL Development and Testing Platform

⮚ PPS 2 | Personal Health Devices

⮚ PPS 3 | Mobile Health Apps

⮚ PPS 4 | Home Health Devices

⮚ PPS 5 | Medication Management Devices

⮚ PPS 6 | Project Coordination, Promotion, Dissemination and Exploration of Results