Scaling up health inequalities in cities: integrating social, political, and physical urban determinants of health inequalities


23 fevereiro 2024


Auditório do ISPUP



On February 23rd, at 2:00 pm, Pedro Gullón will present a seminar entitled “Scaling up health inequalities in cities: integrating social, political, and physical urban determinants of health inequalities.”

Abstract: Health inequalities in cities are present worldwide. However, the magnitude of these within-city inequalities changes by space and time as they are modified through policies and urban dynamics. In this talk, I will go through the work that I have done to study which physical or social factors can mitigate or amplify within-city health inequalities, including built environment characteristics and gentrification processes. In addition, I will present some of the work that I am currently developing on how city-level scale variables might be driving these inequalities in Spain.

Short bio: Pedro Gullón is a Medical Doctor with a specialization program in Preventive Medicine and Public Health. Currently, he works as an Assistant Professor in Epidemiology and Public Health at Universidad de Alcalá (Spain). He has previously worked as a researcher at Drexel University School of Public Health and the University of Alcalá, in addition to teaching at New York University and St. Louis University. His main research interest is how urban features can shape health inequalities and how to develop population-prevention strategies with an equity perspective.