Development of questionnaires and scales: Factorial, exploratory and confirmatory analysis

The course is oriented to students and professionals in the areas of Health Sciences and Social Sciences.


·  To obtain theoretical and practical knowledge in the development and application of instruments and tools for the assessment of information in Health.

·  To develop a questionnaire or scale for the assessment of subjective health information, test its validity and reliability, and make a critical review.

·  To develop practical skills to analyse the psychometric properties of a health measurement scale, namely statistical techniques such as principal component analysis, factor analysis, Kappa coefficient and intra-class correlation coefficient.

01/06/2023 - 17/06/2023

Quinta 01/06 - 14h00 às 20h00
Sexta 02/06 - 16h00 às 20h00
Sábado 03/06 - 09h00 às 13h00

Quinta 15/06 - 14h00 às 20h00
Sexta 16/06 - 16h00 às 20h00
Sábado 17/06 - 09h00 às 13h00

Prazo de inscrição
Limite de participantes:
Valor da inscrição:
Valor com desconto:
150€ para alunos e ex-alunos da Universidade do Porto
Carla Lopes Milton Severo