Ana Catarina Queiroga Santos

Ana Catarina Queiroga Santos

Integrated Member (PhD)

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Catarina is a Microbiologist with a PhD in Biology and has since 2006 been engaged in several lifesaving projects as well as teaching. She has a special interest in drowning research and prevention issues and in promoting water safety in developing countries as well as within non-native and high-risk communities in developed countries. She has concentrated her scientific collaboration in several drowning prevention research projects, actively collaborating with University of Porto (Portugal), University of Vigo (Spain), Federation University (Australia), University of Auckland (New Zealand) and Royal Life Saving Society – Australia.

She is member of the Drowning Prevention Commission and Medical Committee of The International Life Saving Federation (ILS), member of the Drowning Prevention Commission of ILSE and co-founder of IDRA ( She has recently coordinated and co-authored the IDRA-ILS-IMRF Joint Position Statement on the resuscitation of the drowned person during COVID19 Era. She has authored and co-authored several scientific papers, reports, book chapters and lectures at Internalstional Conferences.

Currently, an integrated member at EPI-Unit, Institute of Public Health, University of Porto

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