ProFooSe (Promoting Food Security in Portugal)

Raquel Lucas

Principal Investigator

Integrated Member (PhD)

Type of project:




Participating institutions:

Sociedade Portuguesa de Reumatologia; Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto; Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Nova Medical School; Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Lisboa

Sources of financing:

Administração Central do Sistema de Saúde, IP - Public Health Initiatives (EEA Grants)

Start date:


(Predicted) End date:


Research line:

L1 - Life Course Research and Healthy Ageing

Research lab:

Population Design of Musculoskeletal Health and Disease


Studies regarding unsafe food are limited in Portugal. However, a recent study regarding the attendees in primary care centers in 2012 showed that 49.0% of Portuguese households represented unsafe food. These surprisingly results need to be confirmed and explored in order to accomplish the aim of the National Health Plan (, which is to maximize health gains, improve health to all individuals and reduce inequalities. The ProFooSe project intends to improve the information on prevalence and socioeconomic determinants of food insecurity in the Portuguese households by performing a national based registry. Also, we will develop an integrated intervention to vulnerable social strata with food insecurity, which are mainly teenagers and elderly population in order to improve healthy diet behavior. Finally the collaborative work with the notable and experienced Norwegian epidemiologic group will bring valuable knowledge to the consortium, will allow the comparison and exchange of data between countries and will contribute with expertise to the development of the national survey and the interventions to improve healthy diet among population strata with food insecurity using new technologies.