Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Surgical Site Infection – 1st edition

The Public Health Institute of the University of Porto within the scope of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) and the approved application “Platform For a Global Health – Qualification of Human Health Resources”, coordinated by the Polytechnic Institute of Health of the North in the context of the WARNING N.º 01/PRR/2021 – Youth Impulse Program STEAM and Adult Impulse Program, presents below the advanced course on the topic: Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Surgical Site Infection

22/07/2023 - 22/07/2023

Saturday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Conditions of admissibility:
- adults over 23 years of age;
- residents in national territory at the time of the actions of which they are beneficiaries.

Deadline for registration

Obs.:Free course, but limited to 50 places, which will be occupied in order of registration; ATTENTION: Mandatory submission in the registration form, in the field "Annex" of the pdf with course attendance certificate in the case of students or proof of a bachelor's/master's degree in the areas of health sciences

- understanding the importance of good use of antibiotics
- improve the diagnostic approach to suspected infection
- know the best options for treating common infections in an outpatient setting
- discuss antibiotic choice in specific clinical cases

The course is aimed at doctors;

*Applicants must prove this requirement by submission of course attendance certificate in the case of students or proof of a bachelor's/master's degree in the areas of health sciences

Participant Limit:
Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Surgical Site Infection – 1st edition
1 day 9 am until 6 pm
Course format