Perinatal and Pediatric Mental Health

Raquel Costa


Mental health is a major concern in a society that is constantly changing due to technological advances, increased digitalisation, environmental changes, and globalisation.

Women in the perinatal period and children are especially vulnerable groups, for whom timely access to mental health care and long-term care is imperative. However, the level of preparedness of mental health services to keep up with these changes in population needs is falling behind.

The goals of this research lab are:

  • To provide evidence-based data so as to overcome gaps in knowledge about the aetiology of mental illness, prevention of mental illness and promotion of perinatal and paediatric mental health in order to inform policy, resource allocation and development of effective local action;
  • Identify avoidable individual, social, demographic, cultural, economic, political and environmental  risk factors for mental illness. Emphasis will be placed on social, economic and demographic disadvantages with a major impact on the onset and course of mental illness over the life course and on mental healthcare access.


The amassed knowledge will contribute to the increase of professionals’ understanding of mental health promotion and disease prevention, with a focus on the perinatal period and childhood. It will also contribute to the improvement of solutions to the problems faced by vulnerable populations. Improving mental healthcare has a significant impact in reducing healthcare costs, and research focused on vulnerable groups helps the development of healthier communities.

Research Lab Team


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