Pedro Oliveira

Pedro Oliveira was born in 1957, graduated in Chemical Engineering, University of Porto in1984. In the same year, he joined, as junior lecturer, the School of Engineering at the University of Minho where he completed a M.Phil. in Statistics (1988). During the period 1988 till 1992 he was a doctoral student at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, where he completed a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, in the area of optimization. Back to the University of Minho, he taught courses on Statistics, Numerical Methods, Systems Analysis in the School of Engineering and Biostatistics and the School of Health Sciences. In 1999 he became Associate Professor and, later, in 2004, holding the title of “agregação”, with tenure.

At the University of Minho he was a member of the research centre Algoritmi. In 2010 he joined the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar and Institute of Public Health, University of Porto where he has been teaching a wide variety of general and specialised topics in Biostatistics at Under Graduate and Post Graduate level. Currently, his research is developed at the Institute of Public Health and at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar.

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