STOP: Science and Technology in childhood Obesity Policy

Henrique Barros

Investigador responsável

Investigador Doutorado Integrado

Tipo de projeto:



STOP - 774548

Instituições participantes:

- Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine (UK); - Istituto Superiore di Sanita (Italy); - Tervise Arengu Instituut (Stonia); - Istituto di Studi per L'integrazione dei Sistemi (I.S.I.S) - Societa'Cooperativa (Italy); - Universitatea de Medicina Si Farmace Victor Babes Timisoara (Romania); - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (France); - Harvard Global Research and Support Services Inc. (USA); - Universiteit Hasselt (Belgium); - European Public Health Alliance (Belgium); - World Obesity Federation (UK); - Univerza v Ljubljani (Slovenia); - Karolinska Institutet (Sweden); - Nacionalni Institut Za Javno Zdravje (Slovenia); - Sveuciliste U Zagrebu Kinezioloskifakultet (Croatia); - The University of Auckland (New Zealand); - Fundacion Privada Instituto de Salud Global Barcelona (Spain); - Universita Degli Studi di Torino (Italy); - Terveyden Ja Hyvinvoinnin Laitos (Finland); - Centre International de Recherche sur le Cancer (france); - World Health Organization (Switzerland); - Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red (Spain); - Direção-Geral da Saúde (Portugal); - University of Southern California-Keck School of Medicine (USA); - Etablissement d'Enseignement Superieur Consulaire Hautes Etudes Commercia (France);

Fontes de financiamento:


Data de início:


Data (prevista) de conclusão:


Linha de investigação:

L1- Investigação do curso de vida e envelhecimento saudável

Laboratório de investigação:

Trajetórias do curso de vida subjacentes ao desenvolvimento de obesidade e saúde cardiometabólica


The STOP project will bring together a range of key health and food sector actors to generate scientifically sound and policy relevant evidence on the factors that have contributed to the spread of childhood obesity in European Countries and on the effects of alternative policy options available to address the problem. This evidence will complement, systematise and partly reframe the findings of an established body of prior research by leveraging the latest scientific findings. The STOP project will translate the evidence gathered and generated into: a. A comprehensive set of indicators and a measurement framework for the regular monitoring of relevant dimensions of childhood obesity, its determinants and actions to address it in all European Countries; b. Policy toolkits, providing practical guidance and tools for the design and the implementation of effective and sustainable policies and actions by governments and private sector stakeholders; c. A novel, evidence-based, multi-stakeholder framework, to enable and promote a shared understanding of problems and solutions by key actors, relying on a structured process leveraging cognitive mapping and policy simulations validated by empirical data and empowering individual actors to take action within an agreed accountability and monitoring framework. STOP will generate timely, comprehensive and policy-relevant measures of childhood obesity in all European countries; it will generate new trans-disciplinary evidence of the role of key determinants of childhood obesity, emphasising the role of different environments surrounding children, from analyses of detailed multi-dimensional measurements taken on several established EU children cohorts, including epigenetic and biological mediators of obesity; it will assess the impacts of policies and actions to address childhood obesity based on observations in the same children cohorts and policy simulations of the health, social and economic outcomes of policies.

Equipa de investigação