22 January 2025
ISPUP Auditorium
On January 22nd, at 2:00 pm, ITR Associate Laboratory will promote a seminar entitled: “People’s experiences of urban settings in daylight and after dark – an environmental psychology perspective”.
It will take place at ISPUP auditorium and it has free admission.
More about the presenters:
Anna Litsmark, PhD-student in environmental psychology, Dept of Architecture and Built Environment, Lund University, Sweden.
Anna Litsmark is a PhD student in environmental psychology at Lund University, Sweden. Her research focuses on understanding the relationship between children’s sustainable mobility behaviour during dark hours and the potential role of outdoor lighting. With a diverse academic background in biology and landscape architecture, Anna’s research interests centre on the significance of outdoor environments in promoting and supporting the health and wellbeing of people.
Anna Persson, associate professor in environmental science, Centre for Environment and Climate Science (CEC), Lund University Sweden.
Anna Persson has a background in landscape planning, ecology and conservation biology. Her research is focused on the conservation of insect pollinators and pollination in urban and rural landscapes, and on how humans interact with nature and greenspaces to promote biodiversity and pro-environmental behaviour and governance.
Maria Johansson, professor in environmental psychology, Dept of Architecture and Built Environment, Lund University, Sweden.
Maria Johansson has a background in psychology and is currently professor in environmental psychology at Lund University, Sweden. Her research interests concern human-environment interaction from the individual’s perspective. One research field focuses on people’s environmental experiences of urban and nature settings. She heads several research projects on perceptual, emotional and behavioural responses to urban design features and the presence of nature elements including wildlife species.
Johan Rahm, associate senior lecturer in environmental psychology, Dept of Architecture and Built Environment, Lund University, Sweden.
Johan Rahm has a background in environmental engineering and psychology, and is currently associate senior lecturer in environmental psychology at Lund University, Sweden. His research concerns human-environment interactions, with a special focus on sustainable urban mobility. Recent research has focused on how different environmental characteristics, such as greenery and street lighting, affect how pedestrians and bicyclists experience their immediate environment.
This seminar is also part of the Urban Health Conversation Series of the project “HUG: The health impacts of inner-city gentrification, displacement and housing insecurity: a quasi-experimental multi-cohort study” supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/GES-OUT/1662/2020). Moreover, the organizers and presenters received funding from EUGLOH (European University Alliance for Global Health) Seed Money, specifically for the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) initiative titled “Healthy Urban Living in the Context of Changing Environmental Conditions”.