The Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto (ISPUP) is the scientific coordinator of an international study that aims to understand the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on people’s living situation and well-being. The responsible is Joaquim Soares, senior professor at Mid Sweden University.
Together with other national and international institutions, it is intended to collect data that serve as a framework for the development of adequate and efficient measures to deal with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
A survey was prepared, available in seven languages – Portuguese, English, Spanish, Greek, Italian, Swedish and French – which is already being disseminated internationally to the populations of the various countries that are part of the study.
The survey, called The COVID-19 pandemic and its effects, is aimed at all individuals with 18 years of age and over, regardless of whether or not they have been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
The questions asked aim to assess demographic / socioeconomic aspects, as well as the experience with the coronavirus, including health and well-being.
The partners
The study is developed by a group of professionals of Public and Mental Health from the University of Porto and the European University (Portugal), the University of Malta (Malta/Italy), Salud Mental Hospital Universitario San Cecilio (Spain), Mid Sweden University and University of Gävle (Sweden), University of West Attica (Greece), Association of Domestic Violence Intervention Programs (USA), École de Travail Social de l’Université McGill (Canadá), University of Central Lancashire (Great Britain), Kolkata Haematology Education and Research Initiative (India) and Centre for Injury Prevention and Research (Bangladesh).
So far, 758 individuals have responded to the survey.
To answer the questionnaire, access this LINK.
Image: Pixabay/geralt