Beatriz Teixeira

Beatriz Teixeira

Integrated Member (Non-PhD)

Research Line: L1 - Life Course Research and Healthy Ageing
Labs: Eating Behaviours and Childhood Obesity
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Beatriz Teixeira has a bachelor’s degree in Nutrition Sciences from the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the University of Porto (FCNAUP) and a Master’s degree in Health Education from the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto.

In 2021, she received an individual PhD scholarship from the PT Foundation for Science and Technology, with the project Healthy and Sustainable Dietary Patterns in Pediatric Age: An Overview of Instruments and Associated Factors (2021.05133.BD). Beatriz is currently in the final stages of completing her PhD. Her academic journey has been marked by participation in various population-based research projects, as well as experience in community health interventions, such as the Creche com Sabor e Saúde project.

She is presently a Senior Technician on the CONNECTION project – CO-creating commuNity iNterventions on diEt and physical aCtivity to increase health equiTy in chIldren and adOlesceNts, and a guest lecturer at the FCNAUP. Her current research interests focus on paediatric nutrition, healthy and sustainable dietary patterns, childhood obesity, and eating behaviours.

Beatriz Teixeira is a member of the Food Habits Assessment and Determinants group from ITR.

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