Inês Pádua

Inês Pádua

Inês Pádua, graduated in Nutrition Sciences (2014) at the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the University of Porto – FCNAUP and has a PhD in Food Consumption and Nutrition Sciences (FCNAUP, 2018) with a thesis entitled “Management of Food Allergy in the Community: knowledge and practices in schools, restaurants and airplanes (FAC Program – Food Allergy Community Program)”.

During her PhD, she developed an e-learning educational food allergy program for the education and catering sectors, and she is also the author of the Manual Food Allergy for Caterers edited by the General Directorate of Health (2016).

She was also nutritionist and researcher of the Nutriscience project (EEA Grants Program) – Faculties of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Arts and Engineering of the University of Porto (2015-2017).

Currently, she is an integrated member of the Dietary intake and exercise in obesity, asthma and allergy lab of the ITR (Laboratory for Integrative and Translational Research in Population Health). She is also Assistant Professor at the University Institute of Health Sciences and registered nutritionist in the clinical and community areas.

Her main research interests are the relationship between nutrition and immunoallergic diseases, particularly food allergy, as well as the assessment and development of food and nutrition literacy.

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