Álvaro Azevedo

Álvaro Azevedo

Álvaro Azevedo was born in March 1964 in the municipality of Porto. He obtained in 1989 a degree in dentistry at the School of Dental Medicine now called The College of Dental Medicine, University of Porto, where he has taught since 2005. He obtained a Master Degree in Methodology and Research Techniques in Medicine in 1995 at college of Medicine and Stomatology of Oviedo. He served as a guest lecturer at the faculty of Health Sciences – University Fernando Pessoa. He obtained a PhD degree in Dental Medicine in 2011with an investigation about implementation of new diagnostic criteria for caries in epidemiologic practice. As an Assistant Professor with Aggregation he has teached and conducted the Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Research Methodology in pre-graduate and post-graduate courses.

He was a member and a regular contributor on teams of Public Health – Children’s Oral Health in the municipality of Velas and Calheta – S. Jorge – Azores, between 1989 and 2007. He has worked in different areas of scientific research, especially in conservative dentistry and clinical epidemiology. He has a co-author of a dozen scientific publications in international journals. Currently, is a scientific reviewer of the Journal of the American Dental Association (port. ed.).

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