Elisabete Ramos


Henrique Barros


The EPITeen (Epidemiological Health Investigation of Teenagers in Porto) cohort has been following 2942 participants, born in 1990, since the year 2003.

At the time of recruitment, these adolescents were attending public and private schools in the city of Porto.

The study was designed with the aim of understanding how habits and behaviours acquired during adolescence will reflect on adult health. 

The participants, who are intended to be followed throughout their life, have been assessed at 13, 17, 21, 24 and 27 years of age. 

During  each assessment, a multidisciplinary team of health professionals collects information through questionnaires and carries out objective measurements, such as blood pressure, weight and height, bone mineral density and respiratory function. Blood tests are also performed.

Based on the data collected within the EPITeen cohort, it has been possible to provide essential information for the adequate planning of health promotion measures, as well as respond to various scientific goals through papers published in national and international scientific journals.


EPITeen logo


Fernandes A , Marinho, AR , Lopes, C , Ramos, E

Nutr Metab Cardiovas Dis, 2022 Jan;32(1):125-133. doi: 10.1016/j.numecd.2021.10.001. Epub 2021 Oct 16.

Simões, AD , Craveiro, V , Santos MP, Camões M, Pires B , Ramos, E

Bone, 2021 Aug 12;116151. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2021.116151. Online ahead of print.


Main Results


Vítor Morais
Research Support - EPITeen Cohort
