Non-pharmacological interventions to prevent cognitive decline - 1st edition

The Public Health Institute of the University of Porto within the scope of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) and the approved application “Platform For a Global Health – Qualification of Human Health Resources”, coordinated by the Polytechnic Institute of Health of the North in the context of the WARNING N.º 01/PRR/2021 – Youth Impulse Program STEAM and Adult Impulse Program, presents below the advanced course on the topic: Non-pharmacological interventions to prevent cognitive decline

18/11/2022 - 26/11/2022

Fridays (November 18 and 25): 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Saturdays (November 19 and 26): from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00

Course addressed to:
- adults over 23 years old;
- residents in the national territory at the time of the actions of which they are beneficiaries;

Obs.:Free course, but limited to 30 places, which will be filled in order of registration; The submission of an academic qualification certificate in the areas of Health Sciences, Sports or Social Sciences is mandatory

- Understand the epidemiology of cognitive decline and dementia;

- Identify the main risk factors and preventive measures for cognitive decline and dementia;

- Develop multi-domain interventions with a view to preventing cognitive decline, with particular emphasis on the following activities: cognitive training, food education, physical exercise, prevention of social isolation and assessment/correction of hearing problems;

- Implement long-term monitoring plans for implemented interventions.

- It is intended that participants acquire specific knowledge about non-pharmacological interventions to prevent cognitive decline and replicate the methodology learned in local initiative projects.

The course is aimed at professionals in the areas of Health Sciences, Sports or Social Sciences, with an interest in cognitive decline and dementia.

* Candidates must prove this requirement by submitting a certificate of academic qualifications.

Ana Rute Costa
Non-pharmacological interventions to prevent cognitive decline - 1st edition
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