Belén Soto Ponce

Belén Soto Ponce

Psychologist, with a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology and a Master’s Degree in International Migrations, Health and Wellbeing. In 2021, she obtained a Research and Teaching Fellowship (FPU) by the Spanish Ministry of Universities, to develop her thesis within the CESPYD research group (the Center for Community Research and Action at the University of Sevilla) focused on empowering Romani women and girls through evaluation processes from a Reproductive Justice approach. As part of her Research and Teaching Fellowship, from 2021 she lectures in the Social Psychology Department from the University of Sevilla. She counts with wide experience working with ethnic and minority groups, such as the refugees from Refugee Reception Center in Sevilla. Since 2019, she’s been involved in the project RoMoMatteR (Empowering at-Risk Roma Girls’ Mattering through Reproductive Justice), financed by the DG Justice of the European Union Commission, involving partners from 5 countries (i.e., Bulgaria, Hungary, England, Romania and Spain). She has also been involved in the project [J]ITANA (A Community-based Participatory Action Research on Reproductive Justice led by Roma Adolescent Girls), financed by Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, in which, as part of the working team, she has been coordinating fieldwork activities along with Romani women and adolescent girls. Currently, she is also part of the working team of the NextRom project, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, focused on Romani digitalization. Involved in an Open Society Foundations’ Public Health Program project focused on developing a White Paper on Romani mental health through participatory approaches, including multidisciplinary experts from Germany, Ukraine, Czechia, United Kingdom and the United States. She has collaborated also as research consultant in a project aimed at building North Macedonian organizations’ capacity to promote mental health. As part of her thesis, she will be collaborating with ISPUP for the following months, to explore new ways of participation for ethnic and minority groups that promote transformative changes at individual, organizational and community levels within grassroots organizations.

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