HIV and other sexually transmitted infections

Paula Meireles


Integrated Member (PhD)

This Lab’s main scientific objective is the study of the epidemiology and Public Health responses to HIV, and other sexually transmitted infections (STI), including emerging threats such as mpox, among key populations for HIV, particularly gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM), trans persons, sex workers, people who use drugs and migrants.

Our specific research objectives revolve around three main topics: 1) HIV and STI prevention; 2) The behaviors associated with a higher risk of infection; and 3) The dynamics of infections.

Following the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 infection, some members of our lab widened the area of research to respond to this topic, focusing on the study of social determinants associated with acquiring the infection, the frequency of post COVID-19 condition, and its associated factors framed in a syndemic approach.

The scientific findings from our Lab contribute to shaping public policies regarding HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STI) and, punctually, to emerging infections. We aim to provide timely estimates of the infection dynamics and its drivers, enabling policymakers to make informed decisions.

A common denominator of our national and international projects and collaborations is their rooting in the community, often in a participatory approach and co-production of knowledge.

This has allowed and will allow us to be close to the community’s concerns, perspectives and meanings in all phases of the projects, fulfilling the expected purposes of Public Health.

Research Lab Team