Sílvia Fraga

Sílvia Fraga completed her PhD in Public Health at the University of Porto in 2013 and is currently an Assistant Researcher at ISPUP. Sílvia coordinates the Thematic Line Syndemics, Health Inequalities and Vulnerable Populations of the ITR and is the Group Leader of the Lab Social Adversity and Health Inequalities.

Her research is focused on the social determinants of health. She is interested in studying how adverse experiences, particularly exposure to violence, contribute to creating inequity. Also, Sílvia aims to understand the mechanisms and processes involved in producing health inequalities from early life onwards, particularly emphasising the most vulnerable groups.

Sílvia is a research member of national and internationally financed projects and investigator in the Biosocial Birth Cohort Research Network (BBCR). She is the author of more than 80 peer-reviewed articles in national and international journals and book chapters. She is also the supervisor of master’s and doctoral students and gives lectures to the post-graduate courses at the Medical School of Porto University.

International research projects

National research projects

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Book Chapters

Notices/Letters to the Editor
