Sofia Sousa

Sofia Sousa is a nutritionist, graduated from the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the University of Porto (FCNAUP). In 2016, she obtained her Masters degree in Consumer Sciences and Nutrition by FCNAUP with the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP), developing her thesis under the theme “Street food: assessment of scientific relevance and characterization of street food offer of a sample in Maputo, Mozambique”. In 2022, she completed her PhD in Food Consumption and Nutrition Sciences (FCNAUP/FCUP), during which she developed work within the scope of the project “FEEDcities – Food environment description in cities from Eastern Europe and Central Asia” (WHO registrations 2015/591370; 2017/698514), conducted in partnership with the World Health Organization – Europe.
Currently, she is also a member of the research team of the project “NUTLY – Development and validation of a photograph-based instrument to assess nutrition literacy” (EXPL/SAU- NUT/1508/2021).

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