
PROSPERH: Promoting Positive Mental and Physical Health at Work in a Changing Environment: a Multi-level Approach

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ADVANCE: Addressing Mental Health Vulnerabilities from Adolescence to Older Age: Innovating Prevention Science for Times of Change

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UNITE4TB: Academia and Industry innovation and treatment for Tuberculosis

IR: Raquel Duarte, PhD

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MentBest - Protecting Mental Health in Times of Change

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PRUDENT - Prioritization, incentives and Resource use for sUstainable DENTistry

IR: Paulo Melo, PhD

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JAPreventNCD - Joint Action Prevent Non-Communicable Diseases

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Early — Evaluating, Identifying and Reducing determinants of Mental Health Conditions in Youth

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CONNECTION - CO-creating commuNity iNterventions on diEt and physical aCtivity to increase health equiTy in chIldren and adOlesceNts

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CBIG-SCREEN - Working collaboratively with vulnerable women to identify the best implementation gains by screening cervical cancer more effectively in European countries

IR: Nuno Lunet, PhD

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UNFOLD - Na sombra da violência: uma abordagem longitudinal para desvendar as marcas da violência no corpo e na mente ao longo da infância e adolescência

IR: Sílvia Fraga, PhD

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SMARTgNOSTICS - Global Testing & Diagnostics Solutions for antimicrobial resistances

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Platform For a Global Health - Qualification of Human Health Resources

IR: Henrique Barros, PhD

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HfPT - Health From Portugal

IR: Henrique Barros, PhD

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URBANE: Early-life URBAN environmental exposures and childhood multimorbidity: An Exposome-wide approach

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ATHLETE: Advancing Tools for Human Early Lifecourse Exposome Research and Translation

IR: Susana Santos, PhD

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MOVE24 - Dissemination, Monitoring and Surveillance of the Portuguese 24-Hour Movement Guidelines: making the whole day matter

IR: Romeu Mendes, PhD

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MOVE-AIR - Comportamentos de movimento, poluição do ar e saúde em crianças em idade escolar

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FOREST FM: Envolvimento de jovens na prevenção dos incêndios rurais através de um programa de rádio participativo.

IR: José Azevedo, PhD

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MERIT - MothER Income InequaliTy

IR: Teresa Leão, PhD

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O impacto da pandemia COVID-19 no diagnóstico, tratamento e sobrevivência de doentes com cancro.

IR: Samantha Morais, PhD

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EUCAN-Connect: A federated FAIR platform enabling large-scale analysis of high-value cohort data connecting Europe and Canada in personalized health

IR: Henrique Barros, PhD

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Impacto dos tratamentos de bronquiectasia nos microbiomas do pulmão e do sangue

IR: Maria Inês Azevedo, PhD

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3sInfodemic: Procurar, selecionar e difundir informação: as três componentes de uma infodemia.

IR: José Azevedo, PhD

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Avanços na análise de sobrevivência sobre 'Double truncation and Multi-State models'. Desenvolvimento de software e estudos baseados em coortes.

IR: Carla Moreira, PhD

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EUGLOHRIA: The European Alliance for Global Health – Transformation through joint Research and innovation Action

IR: Henrique Barros, PhD

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Desenvolvimento e validação de um instrumento baseado em fotografias para avaliar literacia nutricional

IR: Patrícia Padrão, PhD

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SMART-HEALTH-4-ALL: Tecnologias médicas inteligentes para melhor saúde e cuidados

IR: Luís Ruano, PhD

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EUSAT-RCS: European-Latin American TB Research Collaboration Network

IR: Henrique Barros, PhD

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BioFirEx: Um painel de (bio)marcadores para a vigilância da saúde e da segurança do bombeiro

IR: Simone Barreira Morais, PhD

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Desafio Gulbenkian Saúde e Bem-estar das crianças: a importância do peso certo

IR: Henrique Barros, PhD

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MIND-Matosinhos: Implementação de intervenções não-farmacológicas na prevenção do declínio cognitivo no concelho de Matosinhos

IR: Vítor Tedim Cruz, PhD

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IMAGINE EURO (Improving MAternal Newborn carE In the EURO Region)

IR: Raquel Costa, PhD

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SAFE ‑ Saúde, Arte, Formação, Educação

IR: Susana Silva, PhD

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Long-Time-Health: Modelos Conjuntos para Dados Longitudinais e Tempo-até-Evento em Ciências da Saúde

IR: Inês Pereira Silva Cunha de Sousa, PhD

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HIneC - Quando se revelam as desigualdades em saúde? Compreender o impacto da adversidade social nas trajetórias de saúde desde o nascimento até ao início da adolescência

IR: Sílvia Fraga, PhD

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