Sara Rodrigues

Sara Rodrigues was born in Coimbra in 1970. She graduated in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Porto in 1995 and she completed a Master’s degree in Public Health at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra in 1998. In 2007 she got her PhD in Human Nutrition from the University of Porto with a thesis on “Trends and socio-demographic differences in household food and nutrient availability over the last decade (1990-1995-2000) in Portugal: regional disparities and association with mortality patterns”.

Since 1998, she has been a professor at the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences at the University of Porto (FCNAUP). She has been part of the Scientific Committee of the Master’s in Consumer Sciences and Nutrition (FCNAUP / FCUP partnership) since 2016. She is currently Director of the Master’s in Public Health Community Nutrition (FCNAUP / FMUP / ICBAS partnership).

She was an investigator at the REQUIMTE Research Unit between 2012 and 2017.

She is a researcher at the Public Health Institute of the University of Porto and at EPIUnit – Epidemiology Research Unit since 2017. She has been a researcher in projects funded at European and national level, such as: ANEMOS – “Expansion and update of existing nutrition monitoring systems”; HECTOR – “Eating Out: habits, determinants and recommendations for consumers and the European catering sector”; ENHR – “European Nutrition & Health Report I and II”; DAFNE – “European Food Availability Databank based on Household Budget Surveys III and IV”; IAN-AF 2015-2016, National Dietary and Physical Activity Survey. She was recently Principal Investigator of an FCT project called “Consumption of ultra-processed foods, nutrient profile and obesity in Portugal” (UPPER).

She participated in the organization of important scientific meetings in the area of nutrition and public health: The 8th International Conference on Culinary Arts and Science – ICCAS 2013 (Porto, 2013) and the II World Congress on Public Health Nutrition – I Latin American Congress of Community Nutrition (Porto, 2010).

Sara Rodrigues has been a member of the Ethics Committee of the University of Porto since 2012, currently serving as Vice-President. She is President of the newly created FCNAUP Ethics Committee.

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